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Theoretical Physics (Fizica Teoretica)

Head: Mugurel TOLEA, National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest


Research Directions:

Mesoscopic Physics;

Transport properties of quantum dots;



1) Title: Kondo peaks and dips in the differential conductance of a multi-lead quantum dot: Dependence on bias conditions

Author(s): Tolea, M; Dinu, IV; Aldea, A

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 79   Article Number: 033306   Published: 2009


2) Title: Transport through quantum dots with magnetic impurities  

Author(s): Tolea, M; Aldea, A; Bulka, BR

Source: JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS   Volume: 10   Issue: 7   Pages: 1754-1758   Published: 2008  


3) Title: Charge fluctuations in quantum point contact  

Author(s): Bulka, BR; Dinu, IV; Tolea, M

Source: PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES   Volume: 40   Issue: 7   Pages: 2614-2617   Published: 2008  


4) Title: Measurement-induced decoherence in electronic interferometry at nanoscale  

Author(s): Moldoveanu, V; Tanatar, B; Tolea, M

Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A   Volume: 372   Issue: 40   Pages: 6193-6196   Published: 2008  


5) Title: Coherent and incoherent transport through T-shaped double quantum dots  

Author(s): Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Tanatar, B  

Source: PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES   Volume: 40   Issue: 5   Pages: 1102-1104   Published: 2008   


6) Title: Theoretical study of electronic transport through a small quantum dot with a magnetic impurity  

Author(s): Tolea, M; Bulka, BR

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 75   Article Number: 125301   Published: 2007  


7) Title: Transport through a multiply connected interacting mesoscopic system using the Keldysh formalism  

Author(s): Dinu, IV; Tolea, M; Aldea, A

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 76   Article Number: 113302   Published: 2007  


8) Title: Correlated electrons and transport in a quantum point contact and in a double-quantum-dot system  

Author(s): Bulka, BR; Kostyrko, T; Tolea, M, et al.

Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER   Volume: 19   Issue: 25   Article Number: 255211   Published: 2007  


9) Title: Controlled dephasing in single-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers  

Author(s): Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Tanatar, B

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 75   Article Number: 045309   Published: 2007  


10) Title: Mesoscopic Fano effect in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer Coulomb-coupled to a nearby quantum dot  

Author(s): Tolea, M; Moldoveanu, V; Tanatar, B  

Source: Physica Status Solidi C - Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 4, No 2   Volume: 4   Issue: 2   Pages: 430-432   Published: 2007  


11)  Title: Interference in a system of coupled quantum wires: Theoretical study of electronic transport  

Author(s): Bulka, BR; Tolea, M; Dinu, IV

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 74   Issue: 20   Article Number: 205301   Published: NOV 2006  


12)  Title: Criteria for the occurrence of negative resonant magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions  

Author(s): Tolea, M; Aldea, A; Tolea, F

Source: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS   Volume: 243   Issue: 11   Pages: R84-R86   Published: 2006  


13)  Title: Tunnelling magnetoresistance of a T-shaped Fano dot  

Author(s): Tolea, M; Bulka, BR

Source: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS   Volume: 243   Issue: 1   Pages: 251-254   Published: 2006  


14) Title: Fano interference in mesoscopic rings with quantum dots  

Author(s): Moldoveanu, V; Aldea, A; Tolea, M  

Source: Physica Status Solidi C - Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 3, No 2   Volume: 3   Issue: 2   Pages: 292-295   Published: 2006  


15)  Title: Spin magnetoconductance in the mesoscopic spin-interferometer  

Author(s): Aldea, A; Tolea, M; Zittartz, J

Source: PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES   Volume: 28   Issue: 2   Pages: 191-202   Published: JUL 2005  


16) Title: Fano regime of one-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers  

Author(s): Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Gudmundsson, V, et al.

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 72   Issue: 8   Article Number: 085338   Published: AUG 2005  


17) Title: Resonant and coherent transport through Aharonov-Bohm interferometers with coupled quantum dots  

Author(s): Moldoveanu, V; Tolea, M; Aldea, A, et al.

Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 71   Issue: 12   Article Number: 125338   Published: MAR 2005

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